January 8th, 2024

Hello! Somehow you’ve stumbled upon OfStars.org, my personal domain and blog of sorts. This began as a nostalgic Christmas present, and turned into a project in which I built this entire website using only my new iPad 10 (also a Christmas present).

I’m not really sure what the purpose of this place is yet, I intend for OfStars to remain at least partially anonymous, but I’d like it to somehow merge my nostalgia for personal websites with a little ounce of modernity too.

For now, you can learn a little more about me on my about page, or pop on over and grab yourself some free subdomain hosting here.

Maybe one day I’ll come back here and update with something else…maybe.

This post was created by
Siobhan and posted on
January 8th, 2024. It falls under the
category: Blog and is
tagged with: .

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